Specialty Colored Ramshorn Snails - $1.00 each . I've been selectively breeding these guys for over a year now and finally have stock to sell! I have available "pinks" and "leopard prints" as shown below in th e pictures. The pinks have hot pink bodies and pink shells, the leopard prints have spotted shells and tan bodies. These will be delivered pea size or larger and top out around 1".
Malaysian Trumpet Snails: $2.50 for 10 or $.25 each Beautiful Malaysian Trumpet Snails! Very nice zebra patterns and black bodies. I have two varieties, the darker "pointier" ones with solid color down to the tips of the shells and the stockier ones with white tips. These aren't your typical blah looking snails, these have beautiful zebra stripe patterns with solid charcoal black bodies. The solid colored ones are slower to breed and if you want those, they may cost more depending on my stock at the time. Please email me for availability. These not only look great in a tank and clean your gravel, they are also great food for puffers, clown loaches, and any other snail hungry fish.
Java Moss: $3.99 a ball (currently out of stock) This is a healthy golf ball size patch of java moss. Very green and attractive in a tank. Also helps to maintain water quality and nitrate levels. Perfect for fry tanks. This small ball will expand upon putting it in your tank. Guaranteed snail free! This stuff is also cool since it can attach onto logs and other ornaments in your tank and cover it in a "moss like" coating. Very good looking!
Microworm Culture: $3.99, With Extra Culture Media: $5.99
Included is a starter culture of Microworms. These make great fry food and adult fish treats (my tetras love them!). They are simple to cultivate and require no special housing. You will receive a starter culture of microworms, instructions in how to cultivate them, and instructions in how to harvest and feed them to your fish via email. For an extra $2.00 I will include your first mix of culture media dry (just add water!). Otherwise, the instructions will contain how to make the media yourself.
Infusoria Culture: $3.99
Included is a starter culture of regular infusoria for small egg hatched fry. These guys are visible to the naked eye, but you have to know what you are looking for. Included is the starter culture of infusoria, information on how to start the culture, and how to harvest to feed to fry via email. I will also include some media.
How do I order this great stuff?
Well, I would be eager to get an envelope full of worms too! Yay! Anyways...the easiest way is to email me at askmissfishy@gmail.com. I answer my email usually within a few hours, 24 hrs max. I will accept paypal, well concealed cash, or a personal check (subject to check clearing, up to 10 days to do this...I suggest paypal). If you would like to order using eBay, I will be happy to set up an auction listing for you + any listing costs. Items will be shipping from Michigan.
I offer priority mail shipping at a cost of $5.99. Priority mail should get the item to you within 2-3 days. If you have hungry fry, I am more than willing to overnight you some immediately harvestable microworms or infusoria, email me for specifics. I highly suggest you know when your postman comes so you can receive your package. If it is too hot or cold, these items can easily perish if left out. I will not take responsibility for an item that has been left outside. Shipping is a fixed rate, so whatever I can fit in the envelope can be shipped at a flat rate. What a steal! If it is cold weather out, I will not ship an item unless it has a heat pack (or the weather forecast is good for at least 3 days out.
I consider my prices highly competitive compared to what I've seen on eBay and Aquabid. I am a highly ranked seller on eBay, if you're interested in viewing my feedback, I will happily give you my seller name. I've also sold dozens of packages to private buyers on MyFishTank and anyone else that seems to come across my page with no issues or complaints, I have excellent references if desired. :-)